The story of Toulemonde Bochart
The enveloping and fascinating story of Toulemonde Bochart has unfolded since the 1970s, when an ambitious idea took shape in Wissous, in the enchanting region of Île-de -France. Founded as an enterprising family business, the brand has grown distinctly specialized in the creation of furnishing elements for the home, making domestic environments authentic havens of elegance and style. But it's It was in the 1980s that the company embarked on an era of renewal and collaboration, opening its doors to world-renowned French and international designers. This bold act catapulted Toulemonde Bochart to the Olympus of innovation in the world of interior design, leading to a creative synergy that continues to shape the landscape of contemporary furniture.
The art of carpets and creations
Among the many works of art that make up the Ciat Design catalogue, Toulemonde Bochart's creations shine with their own light. The iconic carpet, the beating heart of the brand, has been transformed over time from a simple functional element to a true manifesto of style and innovation. Artisanal production techniques blend harmoniously with cutting-edge practices, giving life to collections that evoke emotions and convey a sense of timeless refinement. Each model is a story in itself, woven with skill and care, and each weaving tells a unique journey through the cultures and tastes of the world.
World-renowned collaborations and designs
Toulemonde Bochart's collections are the result of incessant aesthetic research, supported by collaborations with some of the most famous designers in the world. renowned on the international scene. Names like Marie Christine Dorner, Hervé Langlaisand Laurent Maugoust, just to name a few, have contributed to shaping the identity of of the brand, leaving an indelible mark in the history of luxury furniture. Each creation reflects the unique vision and eclecticism of the artist. of its creators, transforming living spaces into breathtaking scenarios of beauty and refinement.